The Middle Seat Sucks

Pat found a dent in his truck – should he unleash his fury on the culprit? Which begs the question: are there people in your life you would NEVER lend anything to? Also, Pat and Lisa discuss the delights of getting your body parts examined.


Uh, I didn't notice this when I LENT you MY TRUCK!
Uh, I didn’t notice this when I LENT you MY TRUCK!



Songs in this episode

“Strangers on the Shore” Mr. Acker Bilk
“Borrowing Time” Aimee Mann
“She’s Gone” Hall and Oates
“Stacey Brown’s Got Two” Shel Silverstein
“Up Around the Bend” Creedence Clearwater Revival
“Do You Want to Know a Secret?” The Beatles
“Cool Water” Sons of the Pioneers
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