So I Had A Martini

Lisa was put in Twitter jail for an entire week. Pat had a dream to someday be a …. trucker. Lisa does not want to live in an apartment building. Ever. Do personality tests really work? And, if a guy wanted to buy a waterbed now, could he? “No, Lisa, …

Vacuuming In Pearls

Pat and Lisa want someone to work for them for free –  (all they can offer is LOVE).  Do we need a dress code for restaurants? And would you take a “poverty tour” just for the fun of it?Also, Pat and Lisa dive into weird cocktails; including one with a …

Take A Load Off

Traveling ain’t easy whether you’re stuck on airplane with a jerk who puts his seat back or on a cruise ship with no working bathroom, but is it really THAT dramatic?  Also, listen as Pat explains to Lisa why you don’t EVER want to screw around with church things, what …

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