You Had Me At Big Fat Woman

Pat and Lisa talk about popular songs that are REALLY disturbing and inappropriate – go ahead and listen. And Lisa complains that we never get a break from sports. Find out why Pat quit football when he young. Also, Halloween candy – the good stuff vs that bad stuff. Songs …

It’s Candy Overload

Pat is tempted by his large stash of left-over Halloween candy. Are encyclopedias obsolete? The standard time change doesn’t bother Lisa, but Pat is not a fan of it. Babblers and hijackers of meetings and presentations make us all crazy.   “Man, I so want to eat all of this…. tonight.” Songs …

If It’s Not True, Pass it On

Pat and Lisa talk about fake news stories and fake radio callers.  Misinformation is rampant, and there ain’t a thing you can do it about it. And, Pat and Lisa strategize on how to win the Best Of Western Washington. Pat and Lisa also lament that they are “yesterday’s news”.   …

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